Terms & Conditions

I confirm the dimensions I provided for my artwork are the outermost framed dimensions. 

I confirm my film / video is under 10 minutes in length.

I have read the Conditions Governing Loan, and if I am selected for The de Young Open 2023, I agree to be bound by the Conditions Governing Loan.

I have read the Insurance Waiver, and if I am selected for The de Young Open 2023, I agree to be bound by the Insurance Waiver. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco have no responsibility to insure the works on premises nor in transit. The Artist hereby releases the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the City and County of San Francisco, the Fine Arts Museums Foundation, the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums, and each of their respective trustees, officers, agents, and employees, from any loss, liability, damages, claims, demands, expenses, or costs arising directly or indirectly from the loan of the artwork to the Museum under this agreement.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions