
Sonnet, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)    60 x 60 x 1.75    $8,000.00   

Artist Statement
Maria Burtis’ paintings are a conversation between outward action and internal stillness. An initial transfer of energy with marks, washes, brushstrokes and drips leads to an editing process of adding, obscuring and revealing. Burtis deliberately keeps the painting unresolved for as long as possible, dwelling in the unknown and pushing the edge of her understanding, while remaining present throughout. The result produces paintings with richly layered surfaces and an underlying history that exudes breath, depth and life. Burtis’ work is both personal and universal; her subject matter is highly influenced by the natural world but the true landscape she paints is an internal one.
Artwork #
Contact Information 415-531-1542 insta: @mariaburtis