A Secret to Share

A Secret to Share , Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber
A Secret to Share

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber (Other)    28 x 22   

Artist Statement
Everything feels too fast for me these days.

Beadwork is a painstakingly arduous task that is both obsessive and meditative. I use beadwork to portray my anxieties through imagery and soothe them through process. Through beaded sculptures and embroidery, I physically manifest my biggest fears and pacify them with each individually placed bead. These gilded works come alive through different circumstances and ultimately challenges my idea of time in creative production. I ask the viewer to interrogate their own idea of time, to slow down their interaction with these pieces, and to encourage a more thorough observation of these works.

Now, I feel as though it is courageous to be slow.
Artwork #
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