They / Them (Jonathan With Earring)

They / Them (Jonathan With Earring), Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
They / Them (Jonathan With Earring)

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    33.5 x 29.5 x 2    $2,800.00   

Artist Statement
I believe a portrait, at its best, is a conversation that exists as a dialogue through the artist between sitter and viewer. It is an unfolding process in which an artist can timelessly fix a moment in the life of a human being.

"They / Them (Jonathan With Earring)" is a painting about transitions. Jonathan turns towards you and fixes you with a gaze that is both a statement and a question. They confront you with their beauty, vulnerability and hope and seek out your acceptance.

In my portraits, I try to bear witness to these states of being - but stay out of the way. I take down their dictation and allow them to tell their own stories forever.
Artwork #
Contact Information
Email:, Phone: 415-418-4267