Autumn Song

Autumn Song, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Autumn Song

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Encaustic)    42 x 72 x 2.5    $7,900.00   

Artist Statement
Robin Denevan’s recent paintings of the Amazon River were created from sketches done from the cockpit of a Cessna. The paintings emphasize the scale of the basin and the serpentine nature of the river and her tributaries. Taking advantage of the seasonal high waters, his work also explores the jungle canopy emphasizing the viewpoint from the river surface. This body of work is a continuation on the theme of deltas, flood plains, and the world’s great rivers.

Denevan has been working with encaustic for 20 years. His process begins with drawings of the exotic landscapes he visits which are the source material for his paintings once he has returned home to his studio in San Francisco.
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