Bonfire at Grandma's

Bonfire at Grandma's, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Bonfire at Grandma's

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Acrylic)    28 x 14 x 2   

Artist Statement
This art piece is inspired by the memories of the artist while she was growing up in India. Every winter she used to visit her grandparents and this piece represents one of her dearest memories of when the whole family would sit around a fire at night and eat, talk, and share stories.
In this piece, inspired by a photograph Ajaya took years ago, the pixelation of the fire represents our dependence on technology for things as simple as our own memories and experiences. The artist is asking her audience the question "Would we remember our cherished memories of years ago and be able to relive them if it was not for technology?"
Artwork #
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