To Make an End Is to Make a Beginning (I Paint Therefore I Am)

To Make an End Is to Make a Beginning (I Paint Therefore I Am), Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
To Make an End Is to Make a Beginning (I Paint Therefore I Am)

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    48 x 36 x 2    $3,500.00   

Artist Statement
Time moves faster than it lingers. Guest starring Karl the fog, this painting captures an interpretation of what it means to attempt to coerce impermanence to into an archive. This piece reflects the iconic Coca Cola sign that was removed off of I-80 in late 2020 in San Francisco, widely viewed on the commute from Oakland. Erected in 1937, one year after the Bay Bridge was completed, the dismantling is a prime example of the shift of advertising media from Americana artisanal craftsmanship to a digital marketing focus. This change marks the end of an era in San Francisco, and the beginning of a new identity of the city.
Artwork #
Contact Information
email: | phone: 818 730 3677