Untitled (Shifting Plane)

Untitled (Shifting Plane) , Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Untitled (Shifting Plane)

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    30 x 30 x 1.5    $7,000.00   

Artist Statement
Images of shapes bending space arise in my meditation practice. The paintings are architectural. Their shapes are off-axial and asymmetric, challenging the picture plane, the edge, the square to address the viewer and the room.

"Untitled (Shifting Plane)" is one of a series of paintings I began in 2018. I choose to paint white and black to reflect the disruptive dynamics of our moment. I choose oils for their materiality and to affirm the authority of Painting.

I am inspired by Malevich's radical non-objective paintings of 1915-17. In the relationship of pure Forms we can see the Universe.
Artwork #
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