Gambler's Labyrinth

Gambler's Labyrinth, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Gambler's Labyrinth

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Other)    24 x 20 x 1.5    $800.00   

Artist Statement
“Gambler’s Labyrinth” refers to the years of my career working in the visual effects industry. Among other things, I painted miniatures for film using miles of masking tape. It was like weaving or knitting, and invited contemplation. Masking for this very industrial need, my mind was racing with ideas for art pieces utilizing tape or the appearance of tape. Many pieces in this series are influenced by Japanese art, as I grew up with a number of Japanese artists as extended family. Some pieces refer to the idea of wrapping, while others, such as this one, have become more a flight of fancy with the idea of wrapping, unwrapping, exposing, hiding, or even escaping, as do these bright bubbles.
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