'The Forest Healer' (The Return of the Goddess)

'The Forest Healer' (The Return of the Goddess), Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
'The Forest Healer' (The Return of the Goddess)

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Other)    27.5 x 23.25    $8,600.00   

Artist Statement
My work is my search for a spiritual philosophy that transcends simple duality. Western religions often set up simplistic dualities: Good and evil, heaven and hell, spirit and body, etc. I am fascinated by the complexity of human sexuality, transformation, longing and transgression. I represent our human exuberance and decadence. I show the reverse alchemical process of putrefaction and rebirth, the total abandonment of rationality. I want to continue creating a syncretic universe in which all is integrated, whether it be good or evil.
Artwork #
Contact Information
Through my email: tinisimo@gmail.com and or website: www.tinorodriguez.com