Dream Sequence IV

Dream Sequence IV, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Dream Sequence IV

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)    61.75 x 49.75 x 2.25    $3,200.00   

Artist Statement
During the lockdown myself and other artists born, raised and located in very different parts of the world, met bimonthly over Zoom in order to keep our sanity and expand our art practices. We talked about our art, what we were working on and other people’s art. We shared stories and compared Covid situations, and we played games. After the games we shared our drawings. We noticed how bringing together our different backgrounds and letting ourselves play brought new, fresh and liberating ideas to our work.

The painting “Dream Sequence IV” was born from one if these games using the Hermann Hesse story, “Fine Dream Sequence.”
Artwork #
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