Oak Leaf

Oak Leaf, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief
Oak Leaf

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief (Glass)    11 x 8 x 2    $1,600.00   

Artist Statement
The landscape often displays evidence of the modern human hand and machine: roads, structures, water way diversions, industrialized activities. Through all this, native plants, animals, and habitats endure. The oak can live to be several hundred years old, and the leaf is a symbol of regrowth: in fact, the acorns provide food for many animals, and jays are responsible for an astounding spread of acorns across the land, many of which survive to grow as new trees. This cast glass oak leaf is to be viewed as a unique portrait: each leaf with its own attributes, like a fingerprint or a face, so that the viewer can identify with, and see themselves as a part of nature.
Artwork #
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