J.M. (Joan Mitchell)

J.M. (Joan Mitchell), Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
J.M. (Joan Mitchell)

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Other)    36 x 36 x 2    $7,500.00   

Artist Statement
In this artwork from the series "Spectacular Nothing", t.w.five looks at the artist from a different perspective; one in which the ordinary becomes the work of art. Traditionally, the artist is depicted in the studio, with works surrounding them. Here they are depicted in everyday situations; with pets, with spouses, eating. In a postmodern slant, this activity becomes the subject, with audiences depicted viewing and responding to these human moments. The takeaway from the series is that the artist is the art, not the object. The creative process is continual and limitless.
Artwork #
Contact Information
Please email: t.w.five.art@gmail.com