Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Forbidden Fruit

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    21.5 x 17.5 x 2    $1,800.00   

Artist Statement
"Forbidden Fruit" was painted to evoke longing and to tempt the viewer with something that cannot be had. This is a frequent experience for my son after he was diagnosed in 2011 at age 8 with a rare brain tumor, craniopharyngioma. Although resected successfully, my son was left with many chronic life-altering medical conditions. One such condition, hypothalamic obesity (HO), is a treatment-resistant condition that causes tormenting chronic hunger and intractable weight gain. To control the food cravings and weight gain, a low carbohydrate diet is recommended. Alas, this is difficult to adhere to in our food-obsessed society and especially by someone who is chronically hungry.
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