A Year of Shifting Colors

A Year of Shifting Colors, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings
A Year of Shifting Colors

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Pastel/Conte/Crayon)    43.5 x 68.5 x 2.25    $10,000.00   

Artist Statement
For the year 2021, I established a practice to create a new color each day using pastel on a 2x2” piece of paper, and to cover the color spectrum over the 12 month period. I began with the blues in January (winter), and with time, the colors shifted slowly through the spectrum, matching with the seasons (green in spring, etc.). Each day resulted in a new color and a corresponding title. This piece contains 365 individual color elements from the daily exercise I undertook over the entire year. The colors are arranged in 12 monthly rows.
Artwork #
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