
Ashes, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber (Mixed Media)    49.5 x 40 x 2.5    $10,000.00   

Artist Statement
I am a textile artist and weaver based in San Francisco.
For years, I have been interested in the way we encounter the unexpected, particularly in a material sense. My work explores this curiosity through textile; I hand weave to explore the world around me. The materials I weave are repurposed detritus: things that have been neglected, thrown away, or forgotten, I believe the story these materials have to tell is not finished. The commitment to renewal is a philosophy that underscores my work, it is the red thread of my creativity. The rhythm of weaving allows me to explore this concept of renewal through repetition and variation and I consider each piece as being a part of a single ongoing
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