Heavy on the Vine

Heavy on the Vine, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Heavy on the Vine

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    48 x 74.5 x 2    $9,400.00   

Artist Statement
Guillaume Ollivier combines reality and imagination in his surrealistic oil paintings. His artwork pays tribute to the de Young museum, capturing its essence in a single scene. The painting features sculptures, frames, vitrines, benches, and the museum's copper exterior. He blends elements from different sections, merging glass sculptures, oil paintings, and children's chalk drawings. The painting celebrates the museum and its neighborhood, as he developed a deep connection through his personal experiences. His art fosters a connection with the environment and encourages viewers to appreciate their surroundings. His painting narrates the essence, history, and vision of the city he loves.
Artwork #
Contact Information
via email - ollivierstudio@gmail.com