
Timeshed, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief (Paper/Papier Mache)    42.5 x 29.5 x 1    $2,500.00   

Artist Statement
In paper works and drawing-based installations, I create abstract terrains that exist somewhere between the organic and curiously alien, the familiar and the foreign. Taking inspiration from science fiction and biological forms, I build intricate surfaces that pay homage to the complexities of organic life as well as its ceaseless regeneration, flux and decay. I am interested in abstraction as a vehicle for the imagination and memory. In Gaston Bachelard’s writings on the oneiric and “psychic weight,” he argues that certain imagery, shapes and objects have an immediate intimacy, causing one to delve into personal memory. I seek to explore this phenomenon through an indeterminacy of form.
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