Woman is Knowing

Woman is Knowing, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings
Woman is Knowing

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Collage/Paper)    48 x 32 x 2    $9,500.00   

Artist Statement
A tree under close inspection becomes an entangled composition of bodies, women at ease, in motion, in the throes of ecstasy, lovingly entwined amongst serpents as they enjoy the fruits born from the tree. Imagery primarily taken from antique roman and christian depictions of women, these are embellished with symbols of knowledge, life, nature, femininity, purity, innocence and truth.

Intended as a counter narrative to the christian Garden of Eden story where Eve, is the original sinner; a disobedient woman luring Adam into sin and banishment. "Woman is Knowing" asks the viewer "what if we had instead celebrated Eve as a goddess, a symbol of knowledge, womanhood and self determination?"
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