COMING UNDONE, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Watercolor/Opaque Watercolor/Gouache)    57 x 43 x 1    $10,000.00   

Artist Statement
The Symmetry Argument, posited by 3rd Century BC philosopher Epicurus, reminds us that our attitudes towards birth and death should be identical. Just as we do not fear the mysterious state that existed prior to our birth, we should not fear the mysterious state that will exist after our death. It is a call for us to recognize and accept the natural cycle of life and death. I seek to explore the concept of death and its place within the organic rhythm of life. Death is a form of symmetry, a return to the source from which we came. This moment of return to the universe is bright and peaceful. I have seen death up close, and I have come to recognize that for some, it can be a form of freedom.
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