
Self-Portrait, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    40 x 30 x 2    $3,500.00   

Artist Statement
I'm an interdisciplinary artist working primarily in painting and sculpture whose work is rooted in the rich yet contested soils of my New Orleanian heritage. Themes within my work include: ancestry, forced migration, cultural retention, American history, African diasporic experiences and natural disaster’s ability to exacerbate man-made disasters (ie, political structures). The events of Hurricane Katrina (2005) underpin my art practice. Through the cartography, and architecture of New Orleans I'm exploring the function and formation of urban landscapes as complex systems of oppression and exploring the vitality of Black cultural knowledge that persists within these shared environments
Artwork #
Contact Information
email: Phone: 504-201-1241