Everyday India #7, In the Wash

Everyday India #7, In the Wash, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Everyday India #7, In the Wash

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)    48 x 36 x 2.5    $5,000.00   

Artist Statement
I create multilayered, mixed-media human landscapes meant to evoke an emotional response that promotes cross-cultural curiosity, understanding and empathy. Unlike natural landscapes, human landscapes are created by people and reflect a population’s way of life. They are influenced by history, tradition, geography, economics, natural resources and more. My body of work contains two series: Landscapes Abroad, inspired by travel in the developing world, and Landscapes Close to Home, inspired by explorations of rural America.
Artwork #
Contact Information
Available through the Paul Mahder Gallery, hello@paulmahdergallery.com