Winona Day Nursery

Winona Day Nursery, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Winona Day Nursery

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)    24 x 48 x 2    $3,000.00   

Artist Statement
The work, "Winona Day Nursery," is one part of a four part series called "Two Degrees East, Three Degrees West." It is is about a small Black community that had to come together to build itself up despite the unfamiliar environment, limited resources, and outside hostilities. Its story is so unique but also so familiar to Black communities around the country. Creating something out of nothing. And that something is beautiful and whole and nurturing. But it is also fragile and ultimately temporary. The title reminds us that for all the advances forward, there is always some force pushing backwards.
Artwork #
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