Kindergarten Chronicles

Kindergarten Chronicles, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Kindergarten Chronicles

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    16 x 20    $10,500.00   

Artist Statement
The painting is part of the "Kindergarten Chronicles" series. It delves into the formative stage of kindergarten through the evocative tableau of a group picture. From the carefully chosen attire of the children to the settings around them, these elements are microcosms of the zeitgeist of their era and place. It illuminates societal expectations and cultural ideals projected onto kindergarten children. The balance of color and structure mirrors the societal norms and fluidity of time. The children's faces, rendered with ambiguity, reflect their evolving perspectives. The painting and the series foster dialogue on societal influences and individual development across cultures and time.
Artwork #
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