
Oyeyo, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Sculptural Relief (Assemblage)    84 x 48 x 1.5    $10,000.00   

Artist Statement
My artistic journey explores the beauty of textiles across cultures. Growing up in Hawaii, I learned to weave palm fronds into place mats and hats. In east Africa, I learned from women who shared their basket weaving techniques, that inspired my artistic practice. My current work appropriates patterns from diverse cultures, weaving them together to create textured mosaics. Using discarded photos, I cut them into strips and intertwine them each pattern informs the next, gradually revealing the design. Through my art, I highlight cultural diversity and our shared human experiences
Artwork #
Contact Information
thnakada@hotmail.com, 415 568 6859