Playing, San Anselmo Creek

Playing, San Anselmo Creek, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Photography
Playing, San Anselmo Creek

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Photography (Gelatin Silver)    26 x 22 x 3    $800.00   

Artist Statement
This image depicts children sitting and eating after playing in a creek in San Anselmo in 2021. I have only recently been able to make a print that I feel does the image justice, hence the artwork being completed in 2023. I feel that it has a strong juxtaposition - an intimate photograph of strangers, taken from a distance. When it was made in early 2021, the end of the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was far from in sight. I feel it captures the good things about that time - the strange but welcome sense of community, the embrace of outdoor spaces and gatherings. In its slight darkness and the thorny bare branches It also evokes the looming sense of dread felt that entire time period.
Artwork #
Contact Information
instagram @noahgott