
Courtney, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)    54.75 x 42.75 x 3   

Artist Statement
"Courtney" is based on my sister Courtney Knott in a peaceful state of Arcadia. For years, she has gone through and has overcome many life threatening health conditions and life “complexities.” I have used many elements in this painting that I wanted to emphasize; the feeling of healing and simplicity surrounding her. Through all, she has been incredibly resilient and has pushed through many obstacles that she has faced. As her sister, I have been by her side and her life has inspired me to not to just only look at what she has surpassed, but also seeing her life as a testament. This is my ode to her in recognizing how transformative her life has become of who she is today as Courtney.
Artwork #
Contact Information
Email: Phone: (510) 603 - 8133