
Madness, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Graphite/Pencil/Colored Pencil)    50 x 45 x 0.5    $4,500.00   

Artist Statement
A few months ago I tried working at a grocery store which I quickly determined would not be a good fit for my lifestyle. I applied to be a cashier, which at surface level seems like something so mundane and doable, however I soon realized the time commitment and expectations would hinder my artistic expression and availability to work on pieces.

This grocery store in particular has a product test. Yes, a product code exam, with over 200 product codes, which you are forced to memorize in under 3 days. In order to pass this test you must write all codes in order, and if you miss more than 3 then you do not pass. How was I or anyone in their right mind supposed to do that?
Artwork #
Contact Information
Email is preferred but Instagram works as well.