Welcome Loneliness

Welcome Loneliness, Three-Dimensional Pedestal Art
Welcome Loneliness

Three-Dimensional Pedestal Art (Fiber)    20 x 29 x 1    $1,800.00   

Artist Statement
The Welcome series incorporates traditional rug weaving techniques made with common household materials and marks feelings many of us were and are facing during and after the pandemic. "Welcome Loneliness" is made from personal garments - the artist’s favorite jeans that had been patched and mended many, many times to elongate their life, combined with the favorite jeans of her former partner. The text is embroidered with shoelaces. This work evokes the maelstrom of feelings that we are constantly encountering, welcoming them in order to be acknowledged, felt, digested, and ultimately to heal and grow from.
Artwork #
Contact Information
www.angiewilson.org / email: angiewilsonstudio@gmail.com / IG @angiewilson00