As Big as the Sky

As Big as the Sky, Video / Film
As Big as the Sky

Video / Film (Narrative Fiction)    $1,200.00   

Artist Statement
Our conditioned layers of facade, created over time between our inner instincts & our outer way of moving through the world are at play. A mental game of hopscotch from past to the conditioned present suffocates our truest expression. Jumping from square to square, we relearn how to play, to honor that young spirit & reveal more of our inner instinct. A deep desire to return to the imaginative soul we were born to be inspires a colorful transparency as we age. Our character's journey through childhood memories, juxtaposed with the monotony of middle-age unfold within the concrete vessel, Three Gems. James Turrell, "Three Gems," 2005, de Young museum. Permission granted by James Turrell.
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